Miss Tacuarembó is a unique mixture of drama, comedy, musical with touches of parody and nostalgia which for its beautiful narration will...
Miss Tacuarembo
"Lexter can be defined in a few words: son of a bitch" says Sebastián Wainraich while remembering the protagonist of this generational comedy:...
Lexter, The Perfect Wave
During a couple of days, different extreme situations lead the characters to discover that human relationships is what keep us on foot when we are...
Al Borde
A wave of anonymous attacks will capriciously unite the stories, leading them towards an inexorable end.
La entrega
The film brings together the winners of the first edition of the Argentine National Film Board's (INCAA) annual public script competition, the grand...
Historias Breves 1
"It's an everyday universe that exists 7 feet over our heads. They are city birds that you can find in every tree or every corner." Juan: a sparrow...
Birds of Paradise
Marcela Robledo, on the verge of losing her job on a gossip show, learns of a showbiz-related story whose public airing could change her fate.
La panelista: el circo de la realidad
A group of soldiers who naively went to fight in the Malvinas War are forgotten in those desolate lands after a month after the conflict with England...
Historias Breves I: Guarisove, los olvidados
Ricardo and Miguel, are two young friends, who form a musical duo. Convinced that they have great potential, they decide to present themselves to a...
Singers at War
Battling terminal cancer, a woman writes a one of a kind notebook about life, death and love for her son to remember her by. Based on a true story.
Notes for My Son
Felipe, an aspiring actor, believes he is jinxed after an unfortunate event. His struggle to find the cause and cure of his jinx. His half-brother is...
The Die Is Cast