Shadows and Faces tells the story of a young girl who is separated from his shadow puppetry performer father during the ethnic conflict between...
Shadows and Faces
Story of a man who is suffering because of a crime and trying to escape of his suffering.
Crime considers the themes of crime, crime addiction, society and freedom through the personality of Mustafa Serttas, a.k.a. the Devil (Tavuri) who...
Elephants and Grass (Turkish: Filler ve Çimen) is a 2001 Turkish drama film, written and directed by Derviş Zaim, about six different...
Elephants and Grass
Hayri and Orhan are two music producers head over heels in debt. In an attempt to find the next big thing to turn the business around, they contact...
Where's Firuze?
Mahsun Supertitiz is an unemployed homeless man who steals cars at night so that he can sleep in a heated place during the winter. Mahsun lives in...
Somersault in a Coffin