“Half Baked” meets “Superbad” in this hilarious comedy following two young losers whose lives are unexpectedly turned upside...
Sex Pot
Pregnant and frightened, Anais is not allowed to leave the specialized hospital where her husband, Peter has a medical internship with his uncle, Dr....
Night of the Dead: Leben Tod
Henry Howard, an ambitious young scientist struggles to develop a super human serum designed to improve muscle mass and prolong life expectancy. His...
The Amazing Bulk
TORTURE ROOM stars Brooke Bailey and Nicki Streisel as two young women who enjoy treating men as toys, manipulating them for fun. But, when their car...
Torture Room
A small-town Sheriff discovers there is something wrong with the sleepy town of Golden Torch, and he quickly realizes he may not get out alive.
On the Brain
Everyone had that thing that scared them growing up... right?
Tall Betsy