In Ballyconnen, Emmy Baudine is a beautiful but disturbed young woman who works for the local priest. When the carnival comes to town, she encounters...
Daughter of Darkness
The crew of a lighthouse rescues people they believe to be survivors of a shipwreck, only to find out that they are a gang of bank robbers on the run...
The Dark Light
A man and his wife take to their house some men they rescue from a road crash and then find they have picked up some dangerous criminals.
The Small Voice
True story of three British POWs and their attempt to escape from Nazi Germany
The Wooden Horse
Details the impact of television on people and social institutions.
Television: The Enchanted Mirror
Two clumsy detectives investigating the murder of a singer scare themselves when they accidentally reveal the killer to be a respectable...
Let's Have a Murder
Patricia (Phyllis Calvert) throws away a painting members of her Italian village consider to be extremely lucky. She goes to great lengths in her...
The Golden Madonna
Johnny Kovak joins the Teamsters trade-union in a local chapter in the 1930s and works his way up in the organization. As he climbs higher and higher...