Two best friends, Merv Doody (James Heathcote) and Onkey (Dan Palmer), take a hapless escaped mental patient under their wing and attempt to teach...
Freak Out
High above the tiny hamlet of Grockleton stands Beesley Manor, home to the ominous Landlord and his...shall we say, genetically ambiguent...minions,...
Small Town Folk
Follow the exploits of taciturn hero No Name and his stereotypical Indian side-kick Running Sore as they search for the nefarious villain The Squint.
A Fistful of Fingers
A janitor gets trapped in a women's restroom and encounters an all-out attack by a horde of zombies.
The personal price a man will pay and what lengths he will go to in order to save his own life.
The Package
Filmmaker Catherine Sweeney is determined to make her zombie horror romantic comedy. However in order to get the funding she need to put a talking...
Set on a plane traveling to a final gig, Dead Air tells the story of Monster Kitten, an all female punk rock band who end up on a flight with some...
Dead Air