Comstock Films has created a unique film series that explores sexual relationships among couples. Each film focuses on one couple and begins with an...
Damon and Hunter: Doing It Together
After making a decision to leave his poor small town, leaving his boyfriend, his gang of thugs and stepfather behind, Johnny Hazzard makes his way to...
Wrong Side of the Tracks 2
You're in pretty deep when you're in Joe Gage territory. The guys in Tucson know that a little man-to-man action is what a pal is for. Cop buddies...
110° in Tucson
A homophobic park ranger confronts his same-sex urges at the end of a yearlong stint deep in the woods.
The power goes out. Everyone's locked in a bar. You are auctioned off to a highest bidder as an entertainment... what will you do?
No Exit
The latest money-making scheme hatched by redneck brothers Doc and Ben Sullivan involves opening a pro-am wrestling school in the shell of an...
Alabama Takedown
Whattaya get when some TitanMen super studs confide secret sex dreams to their therapist? Side Effects, that's what. The four heated scenes of...
Side Effects
Director Lester Moore (the guy who taught Chris Ward how to make Porn) takes charge of a cast of twenty-somethings on a major video shoot down in the...
Heatstroke Highway
Oh they're back alright... and in a very big way! 2nd Inning: Little Big League II is a rip-snorting, fun-filled sports-themed sex romp that will...
2nd Inning: Little Big League 2