A girl's dream in King Arthur's world, a land populated by valiant knights, beautiful fairies, little elves and monsters to be defeated. A world of...
The Secret of Joy
20 years after three teenagers disappeared in the wake of mysterious lights appearing above Phoenix, Arizona, unseen footage from that night has been...
Phoenix Forgotten
After her husband leaves her for a younger woman, Alice Washington a middle aged mother of two decides to complete her college education at Smith...
Mrs. Washington Goes to Smith
We Were Once a Fairytale is a 2009 short film directed by Spike Jonze. It stars hip hop musician Kanye West.
We Were Once a Fairytale
A hacker discovers a Zoom file on a local Police server and leaks it to the public. The contents of the file have been kept under wraps to avoid...
The Next Big Thing is a dark comedy about friendship, revenge and the lust for fame. The protagonist is Julian, who, despite his "talent," has never...
The Next Big Thing