Luna is a young embalmer with a strange passion for everything concerning death. One day, during a trip in the woods, she finds two bodies. The first...
Born Dead
In the aftermath of an emotional shock, a ruthless high-class manager faces her own abyss, becomes pervaded by a sensory spirit and undertakes a...
Three Mirrors Creature's Flashes of Flesh
Disappointed with life and love in Italy, an American DJ wants to return to America, but doesn't have the money to do so.
Unlucky to Love You
A famous Italian-American writer of horror novels goes to Italy to spend a few days in an old house on the coast. The history of the house begins to...
The Salamander House
Evelyn is the CEO of a Major fashion brand and is an honest and sweet woman. Evelyn loves his job and his company, but the global crisis is coming....
Set in Italy in the contemporary world, the film deals with love, with trampled art, with prostitution, with transvestism and with the situation of...
The Sculpture
A politician (a brilliant powerfull mayor, well-liked from his fellow citizens, running for elections at Parliament) clashes with a graduate,...
The Dark Dance
Ilir, a survivor of a massacre, enters illegal Mafia-organized fights streamed online. A mysterious lethal force armed with deadly blades, targets...
Blades in the Darkness 2