Paul (Macfadyen), a prize-winning war journalist, returns to his remote New Zealand hometown due to the death of his father, battle-scarred and...
In My Father's Den
A movie for the Sci Fi Channel based on the book series by Philip José Farmer. The location is Riverworld, a mysterious and treacherous land...
As the Japanese surrender at the end of WWII, Gen. Fellers is tasked with deciding if Emperor Hirohito will be hanged as a war criminal. Influencing...
In writer/director Paolo Rotondo’s debut feature, three teenagers on the run break into a deluxe Waiheke Island home and find themselves caught...
Orphans & Kingdoms
Inspired by actual events, MURU is the story of a local Police Sergeant ‘Taffy’ Tāwharau, who must choose between duty to his badge...
The Raid
Minka is a teenage Polynesian boy living in the heart of the city. With his P-addicted mother well on the way to going completely off the rails,...
The Last Saint
In 1916, the New Zealand Government secretly shipped 14 of the country's most outspoken conscientious objectors to the Western Front in an attempt to...
Field Punishment No.1
Teenage twins battle dark forces hidden beneath Auckland's volcanoes.
Under the Mountain
Two teenage boys unwittingly summon an ancient evil entity known as The Blind One by delving into black magic while trying to escape their mundane...
Based on the Pike River tragedy of 2010, this drama captures the profound impact of one of the worst mining disasters in New Zealand's history.
Pike River
The true story of Jean Batten is of a daughter determined to live up to a powerful mother, desperate to leave a mark on the world – and...
London, England, April 1980. Six terrorists assault the Embassy of Iran and take hostages. For six days, tense negotiations are held while the...
6 Days
When teenagers Rachel and Grace travel inside a super-powered rainbow to China, they disturb nature's balance. Using Rachel's connection to the...
Into the Rainbow
In Dark Places is the gripping story of an innocent man, imprisoned for two decades for a crime he did not commit, and an ex-cop's heroic battle to...
In Dark Places
A couple faced with a small animal's suffering don't know what to do; she suggests stepping on its head but he prefers to cover it up.
An ordinary guy suddenly finds himself forced to fight a gladiator-like battle for a dark website that streams the violence for viewers. In order to...
Guns Akimbo