In 1847, British writer Emily Brontë (1818-48), perhaps the most enigmatic of the three Brontë sisters, published her novel Wuthering...
Wuthering Heights: Love, Hate and Vengeance
Inspired by the true story of navigator Yves Parlier who in 2000 set sail in a round-the-world, no-stopover solo sailing race, the perfect...
Annie becomes pregnant. Since she doesn't want to keep the child, she meets a movement that performs illegal abortions. But, in the seventies, Annie...
Angry Annie
The Norwegian painter Edvard Munch is the author of a powerful body of work that is rooted in symbolism and expressionism. His most famous painting,...
Edvard Munch: Un cri dans la nature
Macbeth (Comédie Française)
Afghanistan, 2014. As the withdrawal of troops approaches, Captain Antarès Bonassieu and his squad have been assigned a surveillance mission...
The Wakhan Front
Pierre, in his thirties, is a breeder of dairy cattle. His life revolves around his farm, his veterinarian sister and his parents whose livestock he...
Bloody Milk
The death of Roberto, the canary, forces a family to come to terms with their own grief.
Roberto the Canary
Maxine is an intern at a car workshop. She works hard toward full-time employment. The reality of the world of work grounds her in her reality: being...
Cast out of his insular community, a damaged and down on his luck man teeters between a life of crime and the path to redemption.
If You Saw His Heart
A French adaptation of Heinrich von Kleist's play "The Prince of Homburg", staged by Giorgio Barberio Corsetti.
Le Prince de Hombourg