A spaceship returns to Earth after several years of space exploration and finds it desolate. Landing in what they believe is Mexico, the crew decides...
Operation Ganymed
The intertwined lives of people of both Polish and German extraction who live on the pre-World War II border between the two countries are explored...
Die erste Polka
Psychological thriller that focuses on the intense conflict between a university professor and a blackmailer.
One or the Other of Us
A docudrama about Germany's former chancellor Helmut Kohl, whose 16-year tenure during the 80s and 90s included the reunification of the country...
Der Mann aus der Pfalz
Stellenweise Glatteis
Grand mit 3 Damen
A Happy Family Life
In the Second World War, spring 1944: shortly before the planned Ardennes offensive, Germans and Americans stand waiting on the German-Belgian...
Winterspelt 1944
Hanna von acht bis acht
Die Verwandlung
Mittags auf dem Roten Platz
Heroin 4
Der Weilburger Kadettenmord
Bäume ausreißen
Aunty Agatha has passed away at a healthy ninety years. She had known all along, that her family wanted nothing more than to get their hands on her...
Leaf and Blossom - The Inheritance
Private detective Josef Matula investigates again. More bad than right, he hits in Frankfurt as a department store detective until it leads him to a...
Private detective Josef Matula is with his usual companion, the dog Dr. med. Renz, on the way to Italy, when his rickety minibus engine fails. During...
Matula: Der Schatten des Berges
Das Ziel
Ein Mädchen
When Jaider has to illegally poach in order to feed the citizens of a poor Alpine town, he gets into a blood-soaked conflict with the German...
Jaider, the Lonely Hunter
Der Gast
Der Tod des Präsidenten
Alma Mater
Der Pralinenmörder
Ein Mann fürs Leben
Auf dünnem Eis
Frau Kutzer und andere Bewohner der Naunystraße features the war-widow Frau Kutzer, the philosopher-guest worker Niyazi, as well as other...
Frau Kutzer und andere Bewohner der Naunynstraße
Matula - Tod auf Mallorca