Dramatic comedy that raise questions through satire about the moral tradition of Chilean society, its dogmatism and sexual intolerance and the...
Hasta en las mejores familias
A man whose wife has committed suicide, appears to him as a ghost. The ghost follows him everywhere, under the bed, under tables… After...
The Tango of the Widower and Its Distorting Mirror
Raquel has been the live-in housekeeper for a kind, reasonably wealthy family for half her life, and the joyless repetition of the job has begun to...
The Maid
Many socially-concerned priests in Catholic Latin America have at some time left their parish churches to go and work in the fields and factories of...
Enough Praying
Isidora, an old woman, discovers that her mind is quickly deteriorating. At an apparently relaxed dinner table, she will desperately try to hide her...
Old Cats
María Luisa Bombal is an underground writer in the early twenties trying to reconcile her passionate and very sexual lifestyle with her life...
Elisa, a lonely and shy librarian, moves to live in a downtown building, without knowing the killing of a young student took place there some time...
The Night Visitor