After suffering a traumatic incident, Molly moves into a new apartment to begin her path to recovery, but it’s not long after her arrival that...
In this somber, psychological drama about the conflict between a man's innermost feelings and a society that puts these feelings in a strait jacket,...
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A woman who has been raped by a man at a party plots and executes an elaborate and humiliating revenge.
Men Can't Be Raped
This is a movie.
The Kiss of a Sparrow
Based on Franz Kafka's famous novel, director Jaakko Pakkasvirta created this interpretation of the woebegone Josef K., who is trapped in an...
Summer vacation has just begun. In honor of it, Serena Rapper and Lennart Lindberg decide to go on holiday. Ricky gets a new bicycle as a...
Ricky Rapper and the Bicycle Thief
An ageing wrestler and circus strongman is put in an institution located somewhere in a world of its own.
The Wrestler