Greenlight tells the story of family and complicated family relationships, and how they affect the future of a young man. It tells of a young man...
A civil engineer supervising a building in a poor village takes a liking to a poor boy, who hawks water for his supposedly physically challenged...
My Story [Ginika]
Chelsea returns from Lagos but has nothing to show for her duration there. Upon her arrival to the village, her mother who initially encourages her...
Back From Lagos
A Queen revenges the death of her family in her village. However, the decision to take matters into her own hands lands her entire village in...
Ojaadili I
Two meek women who are terribly abused by their husbands join forces to avenge their maltreatment. Martial arts give them the power to stand strong...
Jane Rambo is sent on a rescue mission. However, she soon learns that her commander cannot be trusted.
Jane Rambo