This film tells the story of two girls, Karina and Roesdjana, who have conflicting characters and habits. While Karina is traditional, Roesdjana is...
Djantoeng Hati
Anang, Saman and Ahmad are three best friends from a village in Subang. Anang and Ahmad fall in love with Saman's sister, Hasanah. When the call for...
A wealthy man marries twice. His jealous second wife murders the first and gets away with it and then plots, along with her daughter, to do away with...
Golden Queen
Hardjono gives a handkerchief to his girlfriend, Karnasih, as a token of love. During their holiday together, Karnasih experiences an accident and...
A medical student, Kusmayadi, the son of Dr. Sugiharto, is going for a vacation in Bandung with Selikur and Winarto. There he meets up with Asmarani,...
Sehidup Semati
Sriwardhani becomes a singer at "Happy World", after her father is killed by a gang of robbers. There she meets Edy Sumarno and they get married...
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