A loner struggles with childhood tragedy. Seeking refuge, he immerses himself in martial art films. A life changing moment releases unknown...
Gifted Pain
A short drama that centers around Sunny Cooper, an 18 year-old amateur football player who's struggling to come to terms with his sexuality.
Keep Off the Grass
When Tim becomes a courier for the app Wallaby, he reckons he can turn his life around: get fit, earn some money, and even get laid. He’s not...
Secrets of a Wallaby Boy
In the aftermath of a great war, a knight flees his kingdom, embarking on a harrowing odyssey through a desolate land infested with merciless...
The Hallowed Knight
A man looks back on his younger years and relives some of the moments that led him into his troubles with addiction in later life, he looks back with...
Three Bull-Mastiffs in a Corner Kitchen
Lyndon “BEEFY” Skinner is a young northern boxer struggling with an eating disorder; as Lyndon battles to cut weight for an upcoming...
Blood from a Stone