Musical stage adaptation of JM Barrie's classic tale, which tells the story of the boy who wouldn't grow up and the adventures of the Darling...
CBeebies Presents: Peter Pan
Fairies, magic, celebration and comical confusion! Join Swashbuckle's Cook and Line as they help William Shakespeare put together a magical...
CBeebies Presents: A Midsummer Night's Dream
A magical island, a stormy shipwreck and a royal mystery!
CBeebies Presents: The Tempest
A CBeebies adaptation of Lewis Carroll's classic tale. As she journeys through Wonderland, young Alice learns to use her imagination. Performed by a...
CBeebies Presents: Alice in Wonderland
Two children have a magical Christmas Eve adventure as they travel to the Land of Sweets and witness their toys coming to life! Staged at The...
CBeebies Presents: The Nutcracker