Anna, Joyce, Claude and Lucia are all students under the tutelage of Constance Dumas, a renowned film instructor. Lucia moves in with the other...
Gang of Four
Perhaps you have to love dogs in order to sell tins of slimy mystery meat to their owners. At any rate Martin, who is indifferent to pets in general,...
False Pregnancy
Two film students document the fate of an ex-prisoner from Guantanamo who is granted asylum in Switzerland.
La délogeuse
A man escapes from prison, and leads in his run the woman of his life.
La loi sauvage
After a successful experiment on Algernon, a mouse whose level of intelligence thanks to that procedure dramatically increased, the scientists...
Des fleurs pour Algernon
Plus là pour personne
Coelio desperately tries to win the heart of Marianne, the wife of Judge Claudio. On a bridge, he wants to commit suicide, but he runs into his...
Les Caprices de Marianne