Drawing from his personal adventures, film director, Elwood Perez veers away from standard-issue plot conventions in this paradoxically moral tale of...
Esoterica: Manila
A group of friends, sharing a passion for cinema, assemble in Corregidor, a small island in Manila Bay that has preserved relics from the Pacific War...
The Great Cinema Party
A musical docudrama about the brave and outstanding Women of Malolos to whom Jose Rizal addressed his famous letter in Feb 22, 1898.
Women Of Malolos
One woman’s journey through a century of love, war and discovery. Curiosity, Adventure & Love is a the story of a woman raised by fate to go...
Curiosity, Adventure and Love
Lawrence and Jaime were best friends in high school, but attend university on opposite sides of the globe. After four years apart, they reunite for a...
An Unscripted Earth