Two young maids, in the service of respectable bourgeois, devise various schemes to improve their lot.
Les Petites Bonnes
Victim of a traffic accident that costs her life, Laura, a call girl, resurfaces on Earth as an overwhelmed mother, Lucie.
Vacances au purgatoire
Tiercé gagnant
Aïcha : Job à tout prix
Rid of her rival Gloria, Aïcha will do everything to make her boss proud, with Ginette's help. Patrick presents her with a love ultimatum: their...
Aïcha : La grande débrouille
Chat et souris
La Dame de chez Maxim
Un beau salaud
If a husband cares about his wife, it is because he loves her without a doubt... With all the feelings that love entails, such as tenderness, sex......
Sexe et jalousie
Chacun pour moi
Beaufils et fils
Tanguy is 28 years old and still living with his parents. They think it's time he moves out. He doesn't, so they hatch a plan.
A group of friends is shaken when the girl falls in love. But the three boys will do anything to stop the romance.
We're Not Angels... Neither Are They
Elle (Isabelle Gélinas) wants to make a film about African wildlife. Adrien (Eric Métayer) is obsessed with the idea of making love to...
Trapped by a Dream
The friends who attended the same boarding school meet and take turns telling their recent romantic experiences. These turn out to be as varied as...
Young Girls in Ecstasy