Prostitute Roberta lives with her brother and demented mother in an Argentinian rural village. Mother warns Roberta that she can have sex with almost...
The Rotten Link
Lava (2019), the animated film Ayar Blasco presented at the 34th edition of the Mar del Plata Film Festival, left many subplots unresolved in a...
Lava 2 (The New Narciso Show)
A married man's death puts his widow and mistress in an unusual living arrangement.
In a downtown building, old and beautiful, of the turbulent Buenos Aires, stories of men and women who keep secrets behind solid walls are...
Make Life
A couple moves to Patagonia escaping from the impositions of modern capitalist society. At first, the place, the people, the life seems to be what...
I Girl
Deborah makes a living by drawing the skin of her clients. One night, her housemate invites her boyfriend and friend to their house. Sitting in the...