Set in the Ottoman Empire during the Nineteenth century, the film portrays a series of oriental adventures of the two travellers Kara Ben Nemsi and...
Across the Desert
The famous tightrope artist Truxa is drinking at the Artisan bar in New York. He meets a young man, Husen, and gives him his stage name Truxa. He is...
A scullery maid manages to con her way into being adopted by a wealthy factory owner and frees his nephew from an expensive girlfriend.
Kitty Cheats Her Way to Happiness
Silent epic on the final years of Frederick II.
The Old Fritz
The Old Fritz II
Aus den Erinnerungen eines Frauenarztes - 1. Fliehende Schatten
Aus den Erinnerungen eines Frauenarztes - 2. Lüge und Wahrheit
Schwester Veronica
In 1807 Prussia, Napoleon supporter Baron von Schranden forces his maid Regine to lead the French enemy across “Cat’s Bridge”, up...
The Cat's Bridge
Zweierlei Moral
Madame d'Ora
Der Weltspiegel