Canadian sailor John McLennan, who was wrecked off the coast of Chukotka, is being rescued by local residents. From that moment, he begins a new...
A Dream in Polar Fog
This movie, created on the theme of mythology, the tradition of believing in and admiring myths, expresses the absurdity of a thought and the...
Time the legend Ended
In this film, which will show a critical and complicated period of women who are sentenced in a prison through three different encounters of fate, it...
Jail Mate
The film explores human kindness, true love and human nature through the story of how Badam sacrifices his life for his true love.
I'm not Offended
At the time of social change, people's conscience is lost, they are too greedy for profits in pursuit of personal happiness, forgetting their...
In the Land of the Camels
In every country and nation, there is a precious idol that should be cherished from generation to generation, which has clearly expressed itself and...
In this film, the social life during the period of reorganization and the first stage of the democratic revolution, how the dominance of one society...
White shadow