Set against the majestic mountains of central Slovakia, first time director Vladimir Balko explores the difficulties and challenges one former inmate...
Soul at Peace
Slovakia, on the eve of the outbreak of World War II. The family of the young Jewish Martin Friedmann gathers to celebrate his bar mitzvah and make a...
Broken Promise
For 14-year-old Adam, the world of his poor Romany village has only two joys: boxing and Julka, a friend his same age. But after the violent death of...
The story takes place in the Serbian province of Vojvodina in a multi-ethnic setting. It is a story about love and faith, that is, faith in love that...
Cycling with Zoli the Turk
Márta, a 40-year-old neurosurgeon, falls in love. She leaves her shining American career behind and returns to Budapest to start a new life...
Preparations to Be Together for an Unknown Period of Time
This story actually happened in the region around the city of Sumperk in Jeseniky Mountains in May 1945. The disappearance of Agnes, the German wife...
Seven Days of Sin
A boy is accidentally killed at an informal hunt somewhere on the border of two European countries. One of the people involved is Minister Berger,...
It's spring 1939. The bishop in Banska Bystrica finds out that in the village of Piargy, that was buried by an avalanche a few days ago, the...
The Ballad of Piargy
Marhuľový ostrov
Ten short unrelated stories that move chronologically through Slovakia's twentieth-century history as seen from the perspective of life in small...
“A burned-out group of Brno intellectuals decides to go to Kolochava in Ukraine to perform ‘A Ballad for a Bandit’ there.”...
Bandits of the Ballad
A young doctor, former partisan leader - is he a hero, or a murderer? His wife - a victim, or a minion of a totalitarian regime? And his lover - a...
A Step Into the Dark
The principal of an elementary school calls a special parents meeting after it’s alleged that the seemingly empathetic and kindly-looking...
The Teacher
Three women, three stories, one film.
80-year-old Ali Ungar comes across a book by a former SS officer describing his wartime activities in Slovakia. He realises his parents were executed...
The Interpreter
13 year old Lili fights to protect her dog Hagen, and is devastated when her father sets Hagen free on the streets. Still innocently believing love...
White God
The Queen of the Waterland gives the King Juraj access to the water of life when his daughter is seriously ill. However, if the magic fluid falls...
Healing Waters
Láska na vlásku
Prípad na vidieku
Čerešňový chlapec
Eight chapters on the disaster that ensues after a simple man signs a blank piece of paper when handed a pen.
Goldilocks and the Glorious Losers
Enrique lives with his grandmother in a small village in the “Hungry Valley,” while his mother Martina works far away, relying on Enrique...
Promise, I'll Be Fine