Ellie Linton, a teen from an Australian coastal town, leads her friends on an excursion to a camp deep in the woods, dubbed "Hell." Upon their...
Tomorrow, When the War Began
As four teens navigate the flashpoint of adolescent relationships, their lives will be forever scarred by a tragedy that engulfs their city. ...
Razzle Dazzle follows the eager members of "Mr. Jonathon's Dance Academy" who, with their unique dance routines, compete for Grand Final success at...
Razzle Dazzle: A Journey into Dance
Jack is utterly fed up with living at home. He longs for love, freedom and the music by KISS.
Ten-year-old Willow follows her parents on one of their secret late-night treks to the heart of an ancient forest. After witnessing her father...
The Beast Within
When Vicki Maloney is randomly abducted from a suburban street by a disturbed couple, she soon observes the dynamic between her captors and quickly...
Hounds of Love
Two men in finance try to find themselves in the world after the collapse of the company they work for. Greg, a young man, should be at the beginning...
Greg's First Day
A trio of accidental outlaws travel the length of New Zealand, protesting conformity and chasing lost love, with a posse of cops and a media frenzy...
Pork Pie
A boy in New York is taken in by a wealthy family after his mother is killed in a bombing at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. In a rush of panic, he...
The Goldfinch
After freeing a young Bedouin girl from her unjust imprisonment in Jerusalem, an Australian adventuress, together with her devoted police detective...
Miss Fisher and the Crypt of Tears
Following his missing fiancée Lee across the country to a bustling, neon-lit city, Buck's only plan is to search every cocktail bar, lounge...
Vide Noir