Unspooled through a series of vignettes, this slice-of-life tale follows a group of young college graduates who are forced -- because of a bleak...
Bridge and Tunnel
Ella has a reputation for two things: being a rebellious punk and the fastest gun around. When corrupt officials try to cover up her father's murder,...
Tom, Rahul and Bhavesh meet Seeta in their youth, then each falls in love with her in adulthood. The three friends try to woo her, but she does not...
Love, Lies and Seeta
Inspired by true events, the Lifetime Original Movie, Baby Sellers, exposes the shocking international criminal enterprise of infant trafficking....
Baby Sellers
A little girl tries to document the monster under her bed while defending herself against her mother's abusive boyfriend.
When a single mother and her two young children are tormented by an increasingly strange and intense presence in their quiet suburban home, she turns...
The Diabolical
A group of old friends discovers a seemingly harmless device that allows them to rewind time, but not without consequences.
With no steady job or relationship, Vincent finds himself untethered. A girl wanders into his life and seems like a good match for his childhood...
French Dirty
A woman who loses her identity to PTSD sets out to regain her identity by overcoming her trauma. Based on the writer/director's personal experience....
Tulsi Joshi, a widow and bride to be comes to her own wedding seeking revenge for the brutal murder of her first born son.
The Hungry
A new documentary play crafted from firsthand interviews with New York City medical first responders during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Line cuts...
The Line
A young woman dreams of making it big in the world of hip hop, but her parents demand that she finish her university degree. She dutifully agrees to...
Love Beats Rhymes