Luke Perry stars in this heartwarming "tail." Kassie, her friends and her dog, Scoot, organize a holiday fundraiser, but must protect the cash from...
K-9 Adventures: A Christmas Tale
A young woman visits her boyfriend's home and learns the meaning of family.
When Kassie and her friends stumble across an old, broken pocket watch they begin an unexpected journey to unlock the secret of the legendary...
K-9 Adventures: Legend of the Lost Gold
High school teenagers accidentally unleash an ancient Irish entity on their hometown and must stop it before midnight on Halloween.
Curse of Crom: The Legend of Halloween
A man's suspicions of his wife's infidelity reach a horrifying climax.
After losing her father to cancer, a teenage girl reluctantly joins her new step-cousin at a summer camp for Mormon girls.
Once I Was a Beehive
Indy lives with her aunt and uncle and believes her life is fine until an accident brings a new guy into her life. Bryant Bailey is not Indy's type -...
Not Cinderella's Type
It’s Christmas Eve, and Leland Jeppson’s hope is gone. Struggling to get by in their rustic homestead, he had at least wanted to give his...
Christmas Dress