A pseudo-documentary edited from the home movies of serial killers Wayne & Andrea Montgomery, presenting a look into their quiet, suburban lives...as...
Head Case
The small town of Glenville, Ohio was victimized by the brutal murder of a young girl in 1992. Now, 7 years later, the now-grown killer has escaped...
One year after the brutal unsolved murders in Glenville, Ohio, the Stalker continues to terrorize the small town. Ken Walsh (Steve Brown) still...
Glenville 2
Three years after a series of murders in Glenville, Ohio, tabloid journalists travel back to the site of the original murders to stir up controversy...
Glenville 3
An ex-mental patient seeks asylum from the awful nightmares he has been having about a series of massacres in a small town five years earlier. Two...
Glenville: Hell's Homecoming
Director Anthony Spadaccini parodies his own films in this hilarious spoof. A killer is stalking the moronic residents of a small town. Like anyone...
A indie/cinema verite drama about HIV, friendship, deception, and betrayal.