Set in a timeless mythical forest inhabited by fairies, goblins, unicorns and mortals, this fantastic story follows a mystical forest dweller, chosen...
Influenced by the social and geopolitical situation of the early nineteen-seventies and the hippie youth movement of the late nineteen-sixties,...
The Quatermass Conclusion
In 1940s, the nuns of a remote Scottish island convent ready for an impending storm, but when a baby is left on their doorstep, Sister Agnes becomes...
The Baby in the Basket
A begrudging 16th century peasant must traverse the eerie and unrelenting Cumbrian fells to deliver the body of his loathed late mother-in-law to...
The Corpse Road
Are You Ready for Love?
Marie and Amy's long-term relationship, living in an isolated cottage, is fraying with both struggling to deal with the realities of being...
We Go Again
In Germany at the height of World War II, a ragtag group of American soldiers discover Doctor Mengele's diabolical plan to create an unstoppable army...
Werewolves of the Third Reich
Pursued by a dangerous criminal after a failed theft, con artists Nina and Yaz get way more than they bargained for when they target a seemingly...
University students investigate a noise phenomenon in haunted woods known as 'th'rattlin'.
Th'dread Rattlin'
A group of people become interconnected by their shared memories, mirrored lives and consciousness.
Our Little Haven
An eight part anthology centered on unethical behavior in a hyper-contemporary society.
Blood and Bones
A young man tries to escape a surreal dystopia where everyone wears ginormous metal stilts
As her marriage to decorated war hero Oliver draws near, well-heeled Diana moves into an apartment within an otherwise unoccupied, sprawling London...
Dream Demon
The nightmare experience of a young American housewife, confronted by a dark secret from her childhood.
The Story of Ruth