Quinqui cinema encompassed a series of Spanish crime films with a unique national sensibility, as they reflected the times of the Franco dictatorship...
Blood In The Streets: The Quinqui Film Phenomenon
A veteran policeman named Fernando feels a lot of hatred against Ángel because the boy ran him over with a car leaving him lame. Now Fernando...
Street Warriors II
While the Torete rob banks, the Heifer, another delinquent who has not noticed it, enters the same place to rob him. After failing the coup, both...
The Latest Scams of El Torete
Perros Callejeros is based on the juvenile delinquency of the 1970s and 80s in Spain. The story is set in Barrio de la Mina in Barcelona one of the...
Street Warriors
Juan Jose Moreno Cuenca, alias the Heifer, is 23 years old and tells his story as a criminal offender from 1 Ocaña Toledo. Fatherless, the...
I, 'The Heifer'