"A Day with Jerusa" follows Silvia, a young, mediumic market researcher facing the hardships of underemployment while awaiting the result of a public...
A Day with Jerusa
Bixiga, heart of São Paulo. Jerusa, a resident of a house aged by time, on a special day, receives Silvia, an opinion pollster who circulates...
O Dia de Jerusa
A Nigerian musician travels to Brazil to search for his estranged brother, who is living a life very different than the one his family thought.
Shine Your Eyes
This is the story of Vicente, a successful, married, economist with a nine-year-old son. It also tells the story of Antônio, the same man,...
Between Valleys
Shows a day in the lives of security guards and criminals that live in São Paulo. Through depositions and daily actions, it gives life to...
One Way Street
Stênio, the nightshifter of a morgue, has the ability to communicate with the cadavers that are brought to him every night.
The Nightshifter