The events of the film revolve around Halim and Mounir who accidentally come across a magic notebook. One night, unaware of the powers of this...
A comedy/drama set in a village and centered on a battle of the sexes, where women threaten to withhold sexual favours as long as the men refuse to...
The Source
After buying a new washing machine, Said wins a free trip for two persons to Agadir city, there, many funny situations happen to him and his family.
The Machine
Alex, aka DJ Wethu, is a star of the night world. On the verge of burnout, he plays concerts all over the world... Until the day when, in the middle...
The Imaginary Doctor
Samir Amin is a fulfilled writer, Nobel Prize for Literature, who lives in Paris, far from his native country, Algeria.He systematically refuses all...
Citoyen d'honneur
An Algerian man's life-long dream finally comes true when he receives an invitation to take his cow Jacqueline to the Paris International Agriculture...
One Man and his Cow
Dallas is a director forced to make a film to get out of a bad financial situation, he associates with a rich businessman who is a passionate film...
Allal, a street vendor who sells vegetables to cover the expenses of treating his seriously ill daughter, decides to travel to another city due to...
Allal Al Kalda
Moroccan TV movie, its events revolve around the situation of a poor family living in one of the marginal neighbourhoods in the old city of...
The Outskirts
Abbas a retired postman, who has spent his life harming people, assuming no responsibility for others, is one day sentenced to death for involvement...
The protagonist is obsessed with the 1982 film Disco Dancer that his now deceased projectionist father showed him when he was a kid, a film that, his...
Karyane Bollywood