In the small, closed community of a provincial town, Magda tries to maintain a balance within a family facing many serious problems. The families...
Blackmail Boy
A satire of life in modern Greece, presented through a series of different stories about sex. There are several couples and their relation with sex...
Safe Sex
A forgotten satirical (and occasionally dark) comedy about sex life in the Greek countryside.
Εδώ είναι Βαλκάνια
In a beautiful mountain village, a peculiar confectioner, Mr. Panagiotis is forced due to circumstances to hide little Fani from everyone in his...
Snow Cookies
The crazy farce about entanglement and dark political backroom dealings "PUT THE MINISTER IN THE SOCKET." However, the very variation on the title...
Put the Minister in the Socket
Ένα κορίτσι για τον καθένα
The video film was created by the review of the same name, which was staged at the "Vembo" theater in the period 1987-1988.
Sichtireia 88
This is the story of two Greek families, named Delafrangas and Bisbikides. The former family is very wealthy & lucky, the latter very poor and...
Crying... Silicon Tears
At a luxurious hotel various women spend their summer holidays trying, each one in her own way, to find the love of their life or solve the problems...
The Hemline
Two young Greek filmmakers seeking financers for their film "The End of the Passion" end up with an almost forgotten old-time porn-king producer. He...
Extremely Non-Graphic
Hotel Αστέρια