This sex-comedy opens up with Krysta Lane accepting the award for her company’s advertising campaign for “Manly Condoms.” The story...
A Tasty Kind of Love
Tanya (Nikki Charm) arrives to visit her relatives who she assumes are involved in some type of show biz. But before she has a chance to reach her...
Bad Attitude
A xxx satire of the TV classic.
The Horneymooners
Private Eye Dick Duncan is hired by a millionaire to find a priceless diamond bracelet that has been stolen from his mansion. His efforts are...
Eric Monte plays a luckless loser who can't seem to ever find the right girl. He yearns to be like his best buddy Rod Retta, who's a ladykiller of...
This sequel to the original Deep Throat is centered on the character, Laura Liplock (Krista Lane). She is the daughter to the deceased Lilly Laru. It...
Deep Throat 2
Sam is a chauvinistic man who thinks he (and his penis) are God's gift to women. He's had women all of his life, and he's telling his best friend...
Sweet Revenge
A video store clerk's wildest dreams come true when a blow up doll cums to life.
Party Doll