Directed by Ian Gabriel, “Four Corners” revolves around a 13-year-old chess whiz drawn into the Cape Town’s well-known child-gang...
Four Corners
After the successful Umbrella Men heist, our usual suspects find life is sweet, until they get arrested. Jerome and Morty are banged up in Prison and...
The Umbrella Men: Escape From Robben Island
A ragtag bunch of musicians are forced to rob a bank during the Cape Town Minstrel Carnival in the hope they will save their iconic, but in-debt...
The Umbrella Men
Two brothers are torn apart after they steal a bag of money and are hunted down by a ruthless killer.
Free State
Meet Dante, a bounty hunter marked for death by his former allies at the Cape Military Frontier, carrying with him the weight of a mysterious past...
An ex-fireman with PTSD goes on the run when accused of a crime he doesn't even remember committing, leading him down a rabbit hole of conspiracy to...