In this anthology film centered around the theme of "Eros," five seperate stories are presented by five top Korean directors. The main characters...
Five Senses of Eros
When cartoonist Hyun-joon falls in love with Da-hong, one of his fans, it sets up the archetypal battle between their two families, who are from...
Meet the In-Laws
An overworked woman tries to improve her standing with men using a self-help video.
How to Use Guys with Secret Tips
A web-comic artist finds that a series of murders are occurring that have a disturbing resemblance to the images in her work.
Killer Toon
Yoo-Suk looks for a girlfriend who disappeared. Ae-Yeon has a fake diamond which her ex-boyfriend gave to her. Ae-Yeon was dumped by her ex...
Hong Mu-Hyeok is a quiet high school music teacher with a secret. His family descends from the notorious Hong Gil-Dong, a Robin Hood styled thief. He...
The Righteous Thief
A professional GO player gathers a team to help him carry out his revenge against the man who killed his brother.
The Divine Move
A woman seeks to take revenge when her younger sister disappears and she finds out that her sister suffered violence and sexual abuse from school...
No Mercy