The story of Lee Tae-shik, a former anti-terrorist unit who worked as a secret agent for the National Intelligence Service, struggling to find his...
Marine Boy is the story of a former national swimmer who finds himself in debt, and out of desperation is employed as a mule by a gangster boss,...
Marine Boy
Under Japanese imperialism, Korean national treasure Golden Buddha is stolen. More important to national security, the statue contains vital...
Dachimawa Lee
A detective Seon-woo, who moonlights as a private investigator, has a beautiful new client Soo-Jin. The woman asks the detective to take photos of...
The Scent
The Kumiho family circus in town -- and with it, apparently, a mysterious murderer. The members of motherless family aren’t helping their case...
The Fox Family
Jae-Bak is a 40'ish man who has become burned out by work and his family. He works as a sales manager for a publishing company. The highlight of...
Red Candy
When an evil emperor executes their leader, his band of knights – bound by duty and honour – embarks on a journey of vengeance that will...
Last Knights
In-ho is willing to do anything to protect his first love, Mi-ju, including murder. They cannot forget each other while In-ho is in prison, but their...
A Love