The elementary school student Rieko lives with her parents who are deaf and mute, and her younger sister. Rieko wishes to draw cartoons and comics...
Bomberman: Yuuki o Arigatou Watashi ga Mimi ni Naru
As another round of preliminary tests approach for Keitarō, so does Christmas. And as the first Christmas of the millennium, there is a rumor...
Love Hina Christmas Special: Silent Eve
The tests have come, and Keitaro can only hope to succeed. However, in the final stretch, he fails miserably and daydreams through the test. Assuming...
Love Hina Spring Special - I Wish Your Dream
The Tokyo Bay N.K. performance of Love Live Hina, signaling the end of the series and features live group and solo performances by seiyuus Ueda...
Love Hina FINAL SELECTION: Anime Digest & LOVE LIVE HINA in Tokyo BAY N.K. -
On August 6th 2000, the first live concert by the Hinata Girls (the girls from the TV anime series "Love Hina" who live in the Hinata-sou) was given...
Love Live Hina at the Osaka Bay
In 2100, the newly built Bayside City serves as Japan's premier international port. The Angel Arms Company is established by a former policewoman...
Hino Kahoko goes to a summer training camp to play the violin with all the members who participated in the concours.
Kiniro no Corda: Primo Passo - Hitonatsu no Encore
Only more bizarre, troublesome, and funny adventures await Sakura Kusakabe as he continues living with the angel sisters Dokuro and Zakuro Mitsukai....
Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-chan 2