Twelve year old tennis prodigy, Ryoma Echizen attends the distinguished school of Seishun Academy Middle School with his eyes set on being on the...
The Prince of Tennis
Based on Haruko Kashiwagi's popular comic, the film traces a group of high-school kids as they try to revive the school's shabby brass band, and also...
Brass Band
The film "Summer Solstice Story" was produced in 1992. Now, with Aina The End as the new heroine, director Shunji Iwai himself takes on the task of...
A Summer Solstice Story
As they travel around the country, a singer-songwriter duo's love triangle with their roadie jeopardizes their unannounced farewell tour.
Farewell Song
News about the disappearance of panties is still being covered every day. Kyosuke still wears Aiko Completo's panties to battle evil. Meanwhile, Aiko...
HK: Hentai Kamen 2 - Abnormal Crisis
A horror anthology focusing on various groups of people who encounter haunted photographs.
Stories of Apparitions
Higanjima is an eerie island occupied by vampires, from where none has ever come back alive. When teenager Akira hears that his missing brother has...
Vampire Island