A nightmarish evening unfolds for David, a former New York Times journalist, when he and his strange new neighbor Robert, accidentally hit a girl on...
The Good Neighbor
The Man Who Saved the World is a feature documentary film about Stanislav Petrov, a former lieutenant colonel of the Soviet Air Defence Forces.
The Man Who Saved the World
In 1873, brave men known as the New Latvians held the first-ever Latvian song festival under the watchful eye of oppressive censorship. This massive...
In The Land That Sings
The film tells the story of an artist avoiding a confrontation with power and the artistic and personal consequences of this choice. A powerful...
Maria's Silence
The relationships between two people are never easy. Especially when complicated by their professions. We are used to think that profession or...
The film is about a middle-aged couple experiencing a midlife crisis. The husband and wife are tired of life together and start to forget the love...
Roses of Autumn
We have sex in Latvia! A light comedy about building relationships - with passion and funny misunderstandings. All characters of this movie are in...
1991, Riga Latvia. Lena, a child of divorced parents, escapes from home in the middle of the night when she is fed up with her fathers drinking...
What If..
Beatrise is drifting in life. She has based her existence on unsuccessful relationships that have collapsed, like sand castles, one after the other....
Don't Talk About It
Historical reenactment of preparation in Nov. 17 and proclamation of independence of Latvia in Nov. 18, 1918 and in epicenter is only taken...
The Only Picture
An artist and his lover get trapped in their summer house by a gang of convicts.
A House With No Exit
Adam’s first wife Lilith is mentioned in the ancient Oriental legends, in Talmud and in the medieval books of Cabala. According to these...
Gulf Stream Under the Iceberg
The film dramatizes November 11, 1919- a crucial date in the battle for Latvian independence. A year after the end of the official hostilities of...
Defenders of Riga
Stylized as silent cinema, the film connects political and philosophical extremes of 1913 in a story of a young man participating at the creation of...
The Year Before the War
From an early age, songs and fairytales convinced Zelma that Love would solve all her problems as long as she abided by societal expectations of how...
My Love Affair with Marriage