Follows two women who re-encounter each other after 30 years apart. Against all odds, they fall in love once again, and despite that youth is no...
Encore Martha
In a village called Tai-gia-ha lived a well-known and romantic fool. People called him "Yao". People in the village worried about him. They worried...
Never Disappear
Time Traveler
Yeh's directorial debut film pays tribute to the golden years of Taiwanese-dialect films in the 1960s.
Neverending Memory
A karaoke-addicted elderly woman (Chen Shu-Fang) lives her life by the Taiwanese saying, “Guo Mie,” which translates to “as long as...
Guo Mie
Everyone Has Money
When Luke proposes to Cai and hears a simple word "Sorry," he wakes up finding himself shaking on his bed. Luke tries again but is forced to return...
Say Yes Again