The historical story of an enemy fighting the wits and courage of an extraordinary brave group of ordinary heroes known as the "Lunan Railway...
Railway Heroes
Gu Yuxuan and Han Shuyan almost had a fated encounter when they were children. After they grew up, the two met again as they are destined to fall in...
Yesterday Once More
Outside the mass burial mound of Lanruo Temple, the female ghost Nie Xiaoyan and the female ghost Haitang are both subordinates of the tree demon...
Lan Ruo Temple
A depressed programmer and a model decide to seek gold as a seemingly good job opportunity, but they inadvertently become involved in a well-planned...
No More Bets
Tells the story of a Communist Party's early history during the turbulent era, examining the remarkable Chinese revolutionary leaders' zeal and...
Cursed by mischievous deities, Sangui Wang plunges those he kisses into a deep sleep.
Flaming Cloud
Ordinary young man Liu Shisan, who has lost himself in the city, is brought back to his hometown, a small town by the clouds, by his grandmother....
Moments We Shared
A bullied teenage girl forms an unlikely friendship with a mysterious young man who protects her from her assailants, while she copes with the...
Better Days
Based on real-life events, the film recounts the efforts of the Wuhan medical staff as they attempt to deal with the rising cases of Covid-19.
Chinese Doctors