One day, Mana Aida receives a wedding dress from her mother and grandmother that they had worn in the past. While thinking about who she would wear...
Dokidoki! Pretty Cure the Movie: Memories for the Future
The tragic, true story about Hachikō, an Akita dog who was loyal to his master, Professor Ueno, even after Ueno's death.
A magazine editor loses his wife to cancer and he keeps her ashes in a jar. When he begins dating her sister, he becomes overwhelmed with guilt.
Tear Jar
Izumi, a woman who is troubled by dreams of the same murder every night... Saki is asked to conduct an autopsy on the body in that dream! In her...
Forensics Classroom Incident Files 13
One year has passed since the Kidojis' eldest son Otohiko was arrested for his part in a terrorist kidnapping, which resulted in multiple deaths....
The Empty Table
The president of the Japanese National Railways is found dead during a period in which train service is plagued by numerous layoffs, strikes and...
Willful Murder