The events revolve around a group of people inside a supermarket who went to buy their necessities, and suddenly a catastrophic event occurred in the...
سوبر ماركت
Qahfiah wa Qutrah wa Aqal
Qahfiya, Ghutra, and Aqal
A comedy play that deals with some Gulf social problems, and presents the suffering of Arab and Gulf youth in a comedic framework with some...
The schmuck in London
بسنا فلوس
The play revolves around a person who went to prison because of the accumulated debts on him, and when a very absurd video comes out to the world in...
A man resolves to carry out a terrorist operation inside an embassy, but unexpected comedic situations threaten his plan.
A social comedy play that deals with many social issues in the Gulf countries, he urged Khamis' life upside down when his close friend exploits him...
Hala Bil Khamis
The events of the play revolve around the corrupt lining in the Gulf and Arab society in a comedic and purposeful way. The events of the play begin...
Weld Batenha
In this Kuwaiti comedy play, Hilal Hajji, a carefree young man buried in debt and dodging relentless creditors, unexpectedly crosses paths with the...
The Bachelor of Salmiya
A Comedy Play Starring Tareq Al Ali
Heart For Sale
The play revolves around a comedy about a man and a woman who are preparing to hold their wedding ceremony in one of the banquet halls, but they are...
laylat zafta
عنبر تسعة
ليلة زفتة
بو عيون
باك تو كويت
The events of the play take place in a comedic atmosphere about Moses, who is expelled by the owner of the architect and his wife from the apartment...
Below zero
The play revolves around a corrupt group that controls a remote village called (Silmar) . The security group is headed by (Muhdhar Khair). where...
A divorced man recalls the events that led to the failure of his marriage.
The first of his kind
The lives of a down-and-out couple change dramatically when a respected businessman offers the husband an opportunity that could make all of his...
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عزوبي السالمية